100 Ways to Conserve Water

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  1. There are a number of ways to save water, and they all start with you.
  2. When washing dishes by hand, don’t let the water run while rinsing. Fill one sink with wash water and the other with rinse water.
  3. Some refrigerators, air conditioners and ice-makers are cooled with wasted flows of water. Consider upgrading with air-cooled appliances for significant water savings.
  4. Adjust sprinklers so only your lawn is watered and not the house, sidewalk, or street.
  5. Run your clothes washer and dishwasher only when they are full. You can save up to 4000 litres a month.
  6. Choose shrubs and groundcovers instead of turf for hard-to-water areas such as steep slopes and isolated strips.
  7. Install covers on pools and spas and check for leaks around your pumps.
  8. Use the garbage disposal sparingly. Compost vegetable food waste instead and save litres every time.
  9. Plant in the fall when conditions are cooler and rainfall is more plentiful.
  10. For cold drinks keep a pitcher of water in the refrigerator instead of running the tap. This way, every drop goes down you and not the drain.
  11. Monitor your water bill for unusually high use. Your bill and water meter are tools that can help you discover leaks.
  12. Water your lawn and garden in the morning or evening when temperatures are cooler to minimize evaporation.
  13. Wash your fruits and vegetables in a pan of water instead of running water from the tap.
  14. Spreading a layer of organic mulch around plants retains moisture and saves water, time and money.
  15. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk and save water every time.
  16. If your shower fills a 4 litre bucket in less than 25 seconds, replace the showerhead with a water-efficient model.
  17. Collect the water you use for rinsing fruits and vegetables, then reuse it to water houseplants.
  18. If water runs off your lawn easily, split your watering time into shorter periods to allow for better absorption.
  19. We’re more likely to notice leaks indoors, but don’t forget to check outdoor faucets, sprinklers and hoses for leaks.
  20. If you have an automatic refilling device, check your pool periodically for leaks.
  21. Check the root zone of your lawn or garden for moisture before watering using a spade or trowel. If it’s still moist two inches under the soil surface, you still have enough water.
  22. When buying new appliances, consider those that offer cycle and load size adjustments. They’re more water and energy efficient.
  23. Shorten your shower by a minute or two and you’ll save up to 550 lites per month.
  24. Upgrade older toilets with water efficient models.
  25. Adjust your lawn mower to a higher setting. A taller lawn shades roots and holds soil moisture better than if it is closely clipped.
  26. When cleaning out fish tanks, give the nutrient-rich water to your plants.
  27. Use sprinklers for large areas of grass. Water small patches by hand to avoid waste.
  28. Put food coloring in your toilet tank. If it seeps into the toilet bowl without flushing, you have a leak. Fixing it can save up to 4000 litres a month.
  29. When running a bath, plug the tub before turning the water on, then adjust the temperature as the tub fills up.
  30. Walkways and patios provide space that doesn’t ever need to be watered. These useful ‘rooms’ can also add value to your property.
  31. Collect water from your roof to water your garden.
  32. Designate one glass for your drinking water each day or refill a water bottle. This will cut down on the number of glasses to wash.
  33. Rather than following a set watering schedule, check for soil moisture two to three inches below the surface before watering.
  34. Install a rain sensor on your irrigation controller so your system won’t run when it’s raining.
  35. Don’t use running water to thaw food. Defrost food in the refrigerator for water efficiency and food safety.
  36. Use drip irrigation for shrubs and trees to apply water directly to the roots where it’s needed.
  37. Grab a wrench and fix that leaky faucet. It’s simple, inexpensive, and you can save 500 litres a week.
  38. Reduce the amount of lawn in your yard by planting shrubs and ground covers to your site and region.
  39. When doing laundry, match the water level to the size of the load.
  40. Teach your children to turn off faucets tightly after each use.
  41. Remember to check your sprinkler system valves for leaks and keep the sprinkler heads in good shape.
  42. Use a water-efficient showerhead. They’re inexpensive, easy to install, and can save you up to 3000 litres/month.
  43. Soak pots and pans instead of letting the water run while you scrape them clean.
  44. Don’t water your lawn on windy days when most of the water blows away or evaporates.
  45. Water your plants deeply but less frequently to encourage deep root growth and drought tolerance.
  46. Know where your master shut-off valve is located. This could save water and prevent damage to your home.
  47. To decrease water from being wasted on sloping lawns, apply water for 5 minutes and then repeat 2 to 3 times.
  48. Group plants with the same watering needs together to avoid overwatering some while underwatering others.
  49. Use a organic material on the surface of your planting beds to minimize weed growth that competes for water.
  50. Use a minimum amount of organic or slow release fertilizer to promote a healthy and drought tolerant landscape.
  51. Trickling or cascading fountains lose less water to evaporation than those spraying water into the air.
  52. Use a commercial car wash that recycles water.
  53. Avoid recreational water toys that require a constant flow of water.
  54. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth and save 100 litres a month.
  55. Use a rain gauge, or empty tuna can, to track rainfall on your lawn. Then reduce your watering accordingly.
  56. Encourage your school system and local government to develop and promote water conservation among children and adults.
  57. Learn how to shut off your automatic watering system in case it malfunctions or you get an unexpected rain.
  58. Set a kitchen timer when watering your lawn or garden to remind you when to stop. A running hose can discharge up to 40 litres a minute.
  59. If your toilet flapper doesn’t close after flushing, replace it.
  60. Make sure there are water-saving aerators on all of your faucets.
  61. Next time you add or replace a flower or shrub, choose a low water use plant for year-round landscape color and save up to 2100 litres each year.
  62. Install an instant water heater near your kitchen sink so you don’t have to run the water while it heats up. This also reduces energy costs.
  63. Use a grease pencil to mark the water level of your pool at the skimmer. Check the mark 24 hours later to see if you have a leak.
  64. If your dishwasher is new, cut back on rinsing. Newer models clean more thoroughly than older ones.
  65. Use a trowel, shovel, or soil probe to examine soil moisture depth. If the top two to three inches of soil are dry it’s time to water.
  66. If installing a lawn, select a turf mix or blend that matches your climate and site conditions.
  67. When you save water, you save money on your utility bills too. Saving water is easy for everyone to do.
  68. When the kids want to cool off, use the sprinkler in an area where your lawn needs it the most.
  69. Make sure your swimming pools, fountains, and ponds are equipped with recirculating pumps.
  70. Bathe your young children together.
  71. Consult with your local nursery for information on plant selection and placement for optimum outdoor water savings.
  72. Winterize outdoor spigots when temperatures dip below freezing to prevent pipes from leaking or bursting.
  73. Insulate hot water pipes for more immediate hot water at the faucet and for energy savings.
  74. Wash your car on the lawn, and you’ll water your lawn at the same time.
  75. Drop your tissue in the trash instead of flushing it and save water every time.
  76. Direct water from rain gutters toward water-loving plants in the landscape for automatic water savings.
  77. Make suggestions to your employer about ways to save water and money at work.
  78. Support projects that use reclaimed wastewater for irrigation and industrial uses.
  79. Use a hose nozzle or turn off the water while you wash your car. You’ll save up to 400 litres every time.
  80. Share water conservation tips with friends and neighbors.
  81. If your toilet was installed before 1992, reduce the amount of water used for each flush by inserting a displacement device in the tank.
  82. Setting cooling systems and water softeners for a minimum number of refills saves both water and chemicals, plus more on utility bills.
  83. Washing dark clothes in cold water saves both on water and energy while it helps your clothes to keep their colors.
  84. Leave lower branches on trees and shrubs and allow leaf litter to accumulate on the soil. This keeps the soil cooler and reduces evaporation.
  85. Report broken pipes, open hydrants and errant sprinklers to the property owner or your water provider.
  86. Let your lawn go dormant during the summer. Dormant grass only needs to be watered every three weeks or less if it rains.
  87. Plant with finished compost to add water-holding and nutrient-rich organic matter to the soil.
  88. Use sprinklers that deliver big drops of water close to the ground. Smaller water drops and mist often evaporate before they hit the ground.
  89. Listen for dripping faucets and running toilets. Fixing a leak can save 1100 litres a month or more.
  90. Water only when necessary. More plants die from over-watering than from under-watering.
  91. One more way to get eight glasses of water a day is to re-use the water left over from cooked or steamed foods to start a scrumptious and nutritious soup.
  92. Adjust your watering schedule each month to match seasonal weather conditions and landscape requirements.
  93. Turn off the water while you wash your hair to save up to 550 litres a month.
  94. Wash your pets outdoors in an area of your lawn that needs water.
  95. When shopping for a new clothes washer, compare resource savings among Energy Star models. Some of these can save up to 80 litres per load, and energy too.
  96. Apply water only as fast as the soil can absorb it.
  97. Aerate your lawn at least once a year so water can reach the roots rather than run off the surface.
  98. When washing dishes by hand, fill the sink basin or a large container and rinse when all of the dishes have been soaped and scrubbed.
  99. Turn off the water while you shave and save up to 1200 litres a month.
  100. When you give your pet fresh water, don’t throw the old water down the drain. Use it to water your trees or shrubs.
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Our team has quality as its central focus with two full time quality control managers ensuring we maintain the highest possible standards on each and every job. It is important to note that we are the exclusive distributors of DiamoSmart® Systems. Our technicians are fully trained and licensed operators of this waterproofing system.


Australia's Most Awarded Company For Shower Regrout Repair And Tile Regrouting Services In Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, and Central Coast

Regrouting Tiles And Regrouting Showers For Over 23 Years

With over 23 years of experience and 70,000 showers repaired to date, we guarantee that every shower regrout repair we will do for our clients is nothing short of what we will do for ourselves. You can have complete confidence that we will deliver the highest level of shower and tile regrouting service that backs up your company standards.

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24 Years In Business

Pioneered and Patented the DiamoSmart® System

Introduced and Uses SealRight SealRight™ & HydroBarrier Sealant


There are many ways you can renovate your bathroom but if you’re looking for a quick and budget-friendly fix, regrouting tiles is the key.

The DiamoSmart® System, copies of which are now used throughout the industry, was pioneered by our founder, Mark Studdert. Before its invention, Mark noticed that the old method of regrouting showers caused small but visible chips to the edges of tiles and diminished the lustre of the tiles’ edge. He designed a small diamond-tipped grouter that would eliminate these issues when regrouting bathroom tiles. Our team offers a Diamond Re-Grout Service where we strip off existing grout and replace it with a premium Epoxy grout, which is more resistant to stains, cracks, harsh weather conditions, chemicals, and climate changes than traditional grout. This makes it suitable for areas with high traffic and since it’s a waterproofing grout, it improves not only the bathroom’s aesthetics but also its functionality.

Why Choose The Shower Repair Centre For Shower And Tile Regrouting

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Australia’s Most Trusted Shower Repairer

Australia’s Most Awarded Company For Shower Regrout Repair And Tile Regrouting Services In Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Sydney, and Central Coast


The purpose of the grout is to emanate an unblemished tile appearance, while bonding the wall junctions and the floor and wall junctions – preventing wall and floor separation.

Grout mixtures must be selected carefully to make sure that dirt and other outside elements like mould and mildew will not seep into the tiles to avoid discoloration and possible leaks.

There are various ways in which installation can cause cracked grout in shower:

* If mixed with too much water concentration or additives

* If too little adhesive is used in tiles installation

* Cement-based grout can only handle the pressure for so long if a tile pulls away from the wall after the adhesive dries

Fact: Grouting is the weakest link in a tile installation.

Cracked grout in shower mainly happens due to movement between two surfaces with homes inevitably moving in tiny increments because of humidity, foundation settling, and temperature.

Even old or damaged grout can make the most beautiful looking tiles ugly and not to mention, it can cause structural damage to your home. Thus, immediate regrouting shower service is needed.

Regrouting showers and tiles is a quick and budget-friendly fix if mould has already grown into some parts of your bathroom. We highly recommend using epoxy over cement-based when regrouting tiles because it’s stronger, more durable, and only requires light maintenance.

At the first sign of grout damage, you must regrout shower tiles immediately. The longer showers are left with failing grout, the higher the chance that water damage is occurring to the wall behind your tile. The area of damage does not have to incur direct water spray during baths or showers to allow water seepage. Water that sits on the surface of tiles from shower spray or heavy steam will inevitably run behind the broken areas of your grout

Before the invention of the DiamoSmart® System, the old methods of tile regrouting caused small but visible chips to the edges of tiles and diminished the lustre of the edge of the tiles. The DiamoSmart® System eliminated this issue. Our exclusive procedure for regrouting showers is listed below:

* Remove any mouldy or deteriorated sealants such as silicon

* Strip the existing grout out of the walls * Strip out any damaged grout from the floor area

* Strip out grout from around the drain

* Prepare floor and wall junctions using our DiamoSmart® system. This system uses a diamond-tipped blade for regrouting bathroom tiles, removing the sheen from the tile edge creating a small gully in wall and floor junctions.

* Inject our SealRight sealant into the gully so it bonds the wall junctions and the floor and wall junctions – preventing wall and floor separation.

* Regrout bathroom walls and floor using commercial grade mould retardant grout

* Apply silicon to the internal areas of the shower screen

* Coat the internal shower area with our hydro barrier sealant creating an invisible glove to prevent water penetration. This sealant is painted or sprayed on the wall and floor tiles, waterproofing grout surface and beneath it. This soaks in and seals anything that is porous, such as grout lines and hairline cracks.


When regrouting showers and tiles, the type of grout matters and you should know that Epoxy grout is the most superior of all. Here’s why.

Unlike traditional grouts, Epoxy grout is made of two-part epoxy resins which are mixed with filler powder.

What does that mean?

Its composition makes it:

* Waterproof
* Nearly 100% resistant to stains
* Highly resistant to chemicals and physical pressure
* Doesn’t need sealing
* Low maintenance

These characteristics make Epoxy grout the best for regrouting shower and bathroom tiles. Its stain, crack and chemical-resistant properties make it suitable for areas with high traffic whilst its resistance to climate changes make it ideal for locations with harsh weather conditions, excessive amounts of humidity or severe cold. What’s even more interesting is that Epoxy grout’s colour remains constant throughout. The pigment of traditional grout can diminish easily during cleaning.

Moisture and direct water contact contribute to grout deterioration over time, and eventually, the tiles will crack. This is why you should consider regrouting shower tiles every six months. This is a quick and budget-friendly fix that can restore your bathroom’s previous glow immediately.

You should know that you need to call in a professional to do the tile regrouting for you. Even if you possess excellent handyman skills, small mistakes can lead to extensive damage to your grout and tiles. The cost to regrout shower is expensive and if the grout is not installed correctly, moisture can seep into small holes, causing mould and mildew growth, and may cause you to call for a regrout service earlier than expected.

Cement-based grout is actually the weakest link in tile installation because of its many drawbacks with the major being its porous nature. Its pores allow dirt and other outside elements to find their way into the grout, causing staining and allowing mould and grime to embed themselves into the grout, which requires an urgent regrouting shower service.

The best way to prevent grout from cracking is by using Epoxy grout which is strong, durable and requires light maintenance. Whilst it costs higher than cement-based grout, it lasts much longer, negating the cost to regrout shower.